March 13, 2025

Individual and Family Insurance

Insurance Solutions For You

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has dramatically changed the affordability and availability of individual and family (non-employer-sponsored) health insurance.  Many of what used to be barriers to getting individual insurance have gone away; you now cannot be declined for coverage, or have your premium raised, due to health conditions. Also, there are no exclusions for pre-existing health conditions.


When You Can Enroll

Federal law provides for enrollment in individual coverage only at those times. We can help you explore coverage to meet your budget while giving you access to the providers and facilities you want.  We can also find out if you’re available for a premium tax credit through, which could make your premium more affordable, depending on income.

You can only enroll in an individual or family insurance plan at two times:

1. During annual Open Enrollment

2. Because of a Special Enrollment Event

Do any of the following apply to you? Did you:

  • Lose qualifying health coverage in the past 30 days?
  • Get married?
  • Have a baby?
  • Gain other coverage?
  • Get divorced or legally separated and lost health insurance?

Short-Term Insurance Solutions

If it’s outside of Open Enrollment and you don’t qualify for a special enrollment period, you could still get a transitional (short-term) policy, which provides scaled-back benefits to tide you over.

Transitional policies do not count as “qualified coverage” under the ACA; they do not cover maternity, prescriptions, or pre-existing conditions (any condition how have been treated for, or should have been treated for, in the past 12 months), but they can be a valuable protection in case of unforeseen injury, accident or illness.

Encore Benefits also provides individual life insurance policies. If you have not purchased a life insurance policy for yourself or your spouse, or if your life circumstances have changed significantly since purchasing a policy, contact us to see how this coverage can best serve the needs of yourself and your loved ones.

Insurance Carriers

We work with more than 40 different carriers to provide you with the best options with the best coverage for your needs.

Helping You Deliver Success

At Encore Benefits, we focus on providing value for your healthcare dollar. We promise to exceed your expectations with a complete array of value-added services.